The recipe that generates Dr Oz’ bullshit

The recipe that generates Dr Oz’ bullshit

Start with a topic that’s of crucial interest to a lot of people. Add a high degree of uncertainty. Season with media. Stand back and watch the bullshit appear. For example: which direction will stocks go? Everybody cares but nobody knows, so there’s lots of entertaining opinion on both sides. Add CNBC and you’ve got entertainment….

Rewrite passive voice and reveal the truth

Rewrite passive voice and reveal the truth

Passive voice sentences conceal who is acting and create creepy feelings in the reader. Fixing them reveals the truth and improves the tone of your writing. If you write advice or instructions of any kind, here’s your tutorial. Look at this example I encountered last night at the Red Sox game, where the team wrote the rules for “Friendly” Fenway…

5 ways that writing without bullshit helps your career

5 ways that writing without bullshit helps your career

Writing without bullshit seems like a good idea. But is it actually better for your career? For example, somebody wrote this about their company: System-level competition is a new model for strategy in a globally-linked, information-oriented society. This is a methodology for strategic innovation that blends system design and management, ecosystem-centered business strategy, and applications from…

Comcast customer service transformation, in Philadelphia Magazine

Comcast customer service transformation, in Philadelphia Magazine

When you read about corporate transformations, be wary. Reporters love to tell these stories, because they humanize companies. We love to read them. But they’re stories, which is not the same thing as truth. Take this article about about how Comcast is transforming its customer experience, “Comcast Knows How Much You Hate Them,” by Richard Rys, in…

Greatest hits: I hate bullshit, why bullshit, Inovalon, Ellen Pao, & more

Greatest hits: I hate bullshit, why bullshit, Inovalon, Ellen Pao, & more

I root out bullshit where you tell me to. So far you’ve seem to enjoy watching me do what I love doing. Based on the research in this blog, a book is forming in my brain. I’ve opened up threads of research on mission statements and the causes of bullshit. If you’ve got new ideas or…