Generalization Z: The Times reduces generation Z to a caricature

Generalization Z: The Times reduces generation Z to a caricature

While generalization in writing is a sin, drawing broad conclusions about a whole generation is far worse. Alexandra Levit’s piece about Generation Z in the New York Times is a great — that is, awful — example. The sin of generalization has three basic flavors: generalizations hedged with weasel words; unsupported broad, sweeping statements; and generalization from one…

Globe publishes pure spin from NBA Players Association director Michele Roberts

Globe publishes pure spin from NBA Players Association director Michele Roberts

The Boston Globe’s Gary Washburn interviewed NBA Players’ Association executive director Michele Roberts and got nothing but spin. So he published it. Look, I feel for sports reporters. There is so much fan appetite, so much space to fill, and so little content. But everyone knows negotiators want to negotiate, are willing to compromise, and say…

The fluff in the WSJ article about the Pao sex-discrimination suit

The fluff in the WSJ article about the Pao sex-discrimination suit

Today I’ll dismantle the Wall Street Journal’s coverage of the Ellen Pao-Kleiner sex-discrimination suit. I don’t analyze facts, I analyze writing. You may think the lawsuit is bullshit or the verdict is bullshit, but that’s not my concern. What I will show you is that this article, like much of the news in mainstream publications, is padded…

I hate bullshit

I hate bullshit

My name is Josh Bernoff and I hate bullshit. So do you. But the difference between us is: I intend to do something about it. After 40 years in academia and the corporate world, I’ve had my fill. I’ve seen it all. Articles from respectable publications full of generalizations and filler. Spurious statistics. Consultants’ reports…