Sometimes the right solution is just a shoehorn and a bigger Band-Aid

Sometimes the right solution is just a shoehorn and a bigger Band-Aid

A more thoughtful person wouldn’t post something this personal and embarrassing. I am not that person. Hey, we’re friends here, right? Last week, my dermatologist performed a small biopsy of a mole in the center of my back about eight inches below the bottom of my neck, removing the top layer of skin and the…

As Air Canada just learned, chatbots’ owners are responsible for their actions

As Air Canada just learned, chatbots’ owners are responsible for their actions

If an employee of a company told you something wrong that cost you money, you could sue the company for damages. It’s the same with a chatbot. Here’s what happened. Air Canada features a customer service chatbot on its website. You’ve probably interacted with service chatbots like these on other companies’ sites — I researched…


In view of the violence and atrocities currently taking place, there will be no substantive post today. Please take a moment to reflect on the state of our fellow humans and the world we share and commemorate it in your own way. We are all closer to tragedies than we might think, even if they…

Should your business book be hardback or paperback?

Should your business book be hardback or paperback?

What format to publish your book is an essential decision to keep in mind as you choose publishing options. Your decision will depend on two things: impression and price/profit. Hardbacks connote significance, paperbacks connote practicality A hardback tells the reader “This is an important book.” Hardbacks are appropriate for serious topics where you want to…