Link-farming morons

Link-farming morons

When I updated my site, I updated the contact form. Now you have to check “I am not soliciting advertising, contributed articles, or links on this site” or you can’t submit the form. So the morons doing link-farming for contributed articles (which I have never accepted) check that box and then solicit me anyway. Here’s…

I’ve gone viral

I’ve gone viral

Yup. COVID finally got me. I’ve attempted to lead a boring, well-vaccinated life so far, and it worked — until I got on a plane with 200 other people flying back from Scotland. Between a five-hour layover and a two-hour delay, my wife and I were wiped out. So we let our guard and our…

Announcing “Build a Better Business Book,” the first comprehensive advice book for nonfiction authors

Announcing “Build a Better Business Book,” the first comprehensive advice book for nonfiction authors

I set out to help authors. Fifteen years and 50 books later, I keep hearing the same questions — about everything from how to create ideas to how to select a publishing path to how to do book promotion. So I put everything I knew in one place: my new book Build a Better Business…

As a patient, how do you prepare?

As a patient, how do you prepare?

A business leader preparing for a strategic shift begins by gathering resources: preparing for the future, determining and communicating strategy, gathering financial assets, and applying talented teams and workers. But in our personal lives, we rarely think that way. We should. Planning for medical challenges I’m in this situation now. My wife will have shoulder…

A better year in 2023

A better year in 2023

These things all happened to me in 2022: There’s no sugar-coating it, all of that sucked. But I have to say, I learned something important. If you build things well over many years: relationships, reputations, integrity — it pays off. A good life has momentum, even if it hits a few potholes. I have never…

Lessons in empathy: How to respond to someone with cancer

Lessons in empathy: How to respond to someone with cancer

I posted about my prostate cancer one week ago. (Nothing’s changed — the outlook is still hopeful.) I’m sharing what I learned about empathy from the responses from people: what helped and what didn’t. This was a post for me, which was unusual Most of what I write is for you, my readers. It’s writing…