I helped these authors, can I help you?
Build a Better Business Book
How to Plan, Write, and Promote a Book That Matters
If you’re serious about writing a business book that matters, then look no further. Josh Bernoff’s step-by-step approach, backed by years of experience and insider knowledge, will show you how to create a compelling story that connects with readers and drives real change.
Josh gets what countless teachers of this craft seem to forget: Your book should not be fancy packaging for yet another hollow guide, checklist, or personal success story. Your book should share something profound that transforms readers and shapes markets. If that’s the business book you aspire to write, start by reading this one.
If you’re thinking about writing a business book, start here. This book provides the formulas for your success, from concept to writing to launch and all the in-betweens you didn’t even know you needed to know.
Build a Better Business Book is staggeringly useful, and I’m more than a little angry that I had to write six books without it. This is the new, definitive guide to making a business book happen.
If you care about quality, this indispensable writing guide from respected book coach Josh Bernoff will teach you exactly how to start (and finish!) the business book you’ve always dreamed of writing. Even after writing nine books myself, I found Josh’s advice to be consistently useful and wonderfully non-obvious.
Finally, a definitive, complete resource for every author who needs to connect the dots from pitching to writing to publishing to promoting! You don’t know what you don’t know about developing a book—but Josh does, and now you can too.
With this book, Bernoff provides a very actionable plan for aspiring — and published — authors.
When I write, I feel Josh’s presence like Jiminy Cricket on my shoulder, guiding my every word and sentence. Now, he’s written the go-to handbook for writing a business book your audience is going to want to read. I will never write another book without this one at my side.
As the master of writing without bullshit, Josh reveals 24 essential areas that demand action when designing a book capable of standing out in a sea of sameness. This is a clear blueprint for aspiring authors who’d prefer to learn the pitfalls before they publish.
Your breakthrough idea deserves a breakthrough bestseller. When you finally decide to write that book, this is the indispensable guide to making it great.
Practically anyone can write a business book — and it often feels like practically anyone does. But Josh Bernoff gives you the tools to write a good one … maybe even a great one.
Josh Bernoff has written a remarkable book that explains and demonstrates exactly how to build a better business book. I wish this book had been available before I started writing.
Deconstructs the business book into both the profound and the practical in the no bullshit style that has made Josh Bernoff my go-to for all things writing.
Don’t even outline your business book without reading this one first. Build a Better Business Book is equal parts inspiring and actionable, packed with interesting case studies and tactical advice from a true expert.
Josh Bernoff has written a supremely practical and well-thought out book for anyone looking to write a business book. From the use of storytelling to working with a coauthor to essential tips in writing, the advice here is invaluable.
Turn your ideas and insights into a must-read business book with Josh Bernoff’s start-to-finish guide! Packed with insider tips and practical tactics, this book is a game-changer for both aspiring and seasoned writers.
From the first sentence, I knew I would like this book. Josh knows that how we process information best is via story, and he spins an enticing tale of how you can chronicle your own knowledge and experience to not just teach readers, but captivate them.
Josh served us as an advisor, editor, ghost writer, and therapist. We could not have published without him. Build a Better Business Book is the next best thing – it’s like having Josh in the room providing crystal clear advice and guidance at every stage of the process.
The only thing better than this book is getting an hour of Josh’s time to talk about his insights. Don’t buy just one copy. Get two so you can share one with a friend.
Josh scared the hell out of me by showing me exactly why my previous books didn’t really matter — and then put me at ease with a followable guide I can use to write a better business book. This is a book worth reading, re-reading and using as a GPS for every book I write in the future.
Josh Bernoff brings an invaluable mix of clarity, honesty, and actionable insight to the art and science of creating a resonant, relevant business book. In doing so, he has lived up to his own title’s lofty ambitions and built the best bible an aspiring business author could ask for.
With decades of experience as a writer, editor and strategist, Josh Bernoff has a huge fan club of authors whose ideas he has helped bring to life. Now he gives us the ultimate meta gift: a great book about how to write a great book. Anyone who is thinking about holding their own book in their hands some day should start with Bernoff’s insights.
Authors who succeed must serve their readers well, just as companies must serve their customers. If you want to create a successful book that’s useful to your readers, Bernoff’s book is a small investment you must make on your way to getting your book published.
If only this book existed when I was approached to write my own book. It’s oozing wisdom right from the table of contents. Josh’s ‘reader question method’ would have saved me months of excruciating rewrites.
Josh Bernoff has been my book editor twice and both times he helped me write a better book. In this new book, he covers everything you need to know to develop, write, publish, and promote your book. I recommend this knowledgeable and clearly written work, to any aspiring non-fiction author.
Most business books are boring. And they’re self-serving. The industry needs help! Fortunately for all of us, that helps comes courtesy of Josh Bernoff in Build a Better Business Book. I know I won’t write my next book without reading this book first!
From this day forward, let’s banish boring business books. With this nifty guide, Josh Bernoff raises the bar while showing us what to do. Readers, rejoice.
Literally, lays the framework out for anyone hoping to show up in a bookstore or at the top of an Amazon bestseller list. I could have used this book when I first started publishing, but now I am going to scream about it from the mountaintops to anybody who will listen. If you’re thinking about writing a book, start here!
Josh Bernoff has put everything he knows about preparing, writing, and launching a successful business book into a masterclass that will improve every part of your book and your career as an author. Build a Better Business Book will help you define the success you want and achieve it more efficiently than you thought possible. It’s a guaranteed return on your investment.
Got a book in your belly that’s itching to get out? You must read Josh Bernoff’s Build a Better Business Book for a step-by-step guide on how to make it a reality — and not lose your mind or waste your time and money. I’m recommending it to every future author I know!
Twelve years ago, I was already a professional writer but I had no clue how to create a business book and get it published. Josh guided me and my coauthor through the process to a successful result – now he’s captured that guidance in print. It’s never boring and always incredibly useful.
Business book success does indeed have a secret formula. Josh Bernoff’s book reveals it with the turn of every page. From the concrete steps and vast number of examples he offers you know he’s the real deal, because he has successfully applied the formula for himself and others dozens of times over.
Based on two decades of experience editing and writing business books, I can’t imagine a more useful starting point for authors than this clear and comprehensive guide.
Josh Bernoff’s book is the ultimate guide for writing a successful business book. It offers practical advice, eliminates guesswork, and saves authors from costly mistakes. It’s an indispensable resource for any aspiring writer.
For anyone who’s ever considered writing a business book but doesn’t know where to start, this is the only guide you’ll ever need.
Writing a business book is easy. Writing a great business book is hard, or at least, it used to be. Josh put together a wonderful resource that will guide you in writing a business book that transcends mediocrity and delivers greatness.
Bernoff’s book is destined to quickly become the classic guide every first-time and seasoned business book author reads, references, and recommends time and time again.
Josh’s subject matter expertise is matched only by his sympatico for fellow authors. If you’re a business writer, this is the how-to book you’ve been waiting for.
Writing books is hard. Writing good books is nearly impossible. Josh Bernoff’s Build a Better ow to Business Book makes it a whole lot easier. It’s packed with instructional stories, a clearly defined roadmap, and actionable advice at each step of the way.
I wish I had read this book five books ago. Josh Bernoff delivers an absolute masterclass guide that will indisputably help business authors build a better business book.
I only wish I had Josh’s book before I started out on my business book journey. Whether you are a book newbie or an experienced author, Build a Better Business Book will save you from countless mistakes and missed opportunities on your book publishing journey.
This book is a must-read for any would-be business author. It is to business books, what Strunk and White’s The Elements of Style is to writing and grammar. It’s just filled with insight after insight.
A business book can be magical! It can generate passionate fans of your work, put you on the fast track for promotion, or launch a public speaking career. However, as Josh reveals in this excellent book, there are many elements you need to get right for the magic to happen for you. I wish I had this next to my desk as I was writing my first business book.
Publishing your book is going to change your career. Trust Josh to show you the way.
If only I had this book twenty years ago! It’s an indispensable resource that would have saved me a ton of time and energy.
Bernoff has created a veritable treasure’s chest of invaluable advice that will benefit both first-time authors and experienced scribes.
Build a Better Business Book by Josh Bernoff is a comprehensive roadmap every aspiring business author needs to read.
There are way too many business books out there, but no guides to business books quite like this. Josh is the architect behind the blueprint for success in this industry.
Writing a business book will be the best decision of your career, if you know how to execute. But if you are even slightly unsure, then you must read Josh Bernoff’s book.
Your ideas matter. Shouldn’t your book? Josh’s great guide will help you capture your brilliance and grow your influence.
If writing a business book appears as daunting as climbing Mount Everest, this book is like a Sherpa that helps take prospective authors to the summit. I wish it had appeared before I wrote my first book, since it is so full of amazing advice I had to learn the hard way.
A must-read guide to creating the book that matters. Josh Bernoff is not just an accomplished author; he is a business book whisperer who helped over 40 authors publish books that profoundly affected others.
No matter what question you have about writing a business book, Josh Bernoff has your answer. And not just any answer: the clear-sighted, no-punches-pulled answers that work based on his and his clients’ experience.
An indispensable book with rich insight for both would-be and established authors. Delivers straight talk on everything from memorable writing, making money from your work, and coauthors, to bestseller lists and promotion
In clear language, Josh Bernoff demystifies the many puzzles of publishing. Build a Better Business Book is an invaluable guide that I’ll happily recommend to everyone who wants to write a nonfiction title.
Josh is creative and pragmatic – the ideal combination to help me generate a breakthrough business book title.
Download this book proposal that generated a 6-figure advance
If you’re pitching publishers, you need a book proposal. This is the proposal I used to sell Writing Without Bullshit. Feel free to learn from and copy the form (but not the content).