How Facebook’s algorithm can help you rethink your emails

How Facebook’s algorithm can help you rethink your emails

Facebook determines which of your posts get through to your friends. Your emails, on the other hand, all go through. But what if they didn’t? You’d have to write email to make it clearer, more compelling, more engaging. And that’s what you ought to be doing anyway. While Facebook’s algorithm is mysterious and ever-changing, we know…

Why did Lexus nav systems crash? Passive voice hides the answer.

Why did Lexus nav systems crash? Passive voice hides the answer.

Earlier this month,  owners of late-model Lexus vehicles found their navigation systems flailing. Lexus eventually apologized, but its statement is a classic example of how to use the passive voice to evade blame — or even a clear explanation. According to Forbes, an unknown number of 2014-2016 Lexus vehicles experienced the glitch, which caused the center…

tronc’s employee video is the opposite of inspiring

tronc’s employee video is the opposite of inspiring

Tribune corporation produced a video to excite employees about its transformation to “tronc” (Tribune online content). The video vividly shows why it’s unlikely to succeed. Newspapers are in bad shape. And Tribune — which owns the Chicago Tribune and the LA Times, and has stumbled from owner to owner — is in particular trouble. Hence…

Problematic oversharing in a post from Buffer CEO Joel Gascoigne

Problematic oversharing in a post from Buffer CEO Joel Gascoigne

Joel Gascoigne, CEO of social media tool startup Buffer, shared a 3500-word post in which he explains why he’s laying off 10 of his 94 employees. In contrast to bloodless posts from the likes of Intel and Microsoft, it indulges a different sin: oversharing. A lot of my correspondents forwarded Gascoigne’s post to me, hoping…

Tips for an effective executive summary (Ask Dr. Wobs)
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Tips for an effective executive summary (Ask Dr. Wobs)

Executive summaries are crucial for long documents. Keep them spicy and write them early, late, and often. Dear Dr. Wobs: I suspect Executive Summaries became a thing mainly to compensate for bad writing. Do you prefer to write the Summary first, or after writing the rest of the document? And if the Executive Summary is good,…

Jeff Weiner’s creepy letter to staff about the LinkedIn acquisition

Jeff Weiner’s creepy letter to staff about the LinkedIn acquisition

LinkedIn CEO Jeff Weiner emailed his staff when Microsoft bought the company. His email is discursive, full of platitudes, and fails to answer the employee’s most important question: what’s going to happen to me? LinkedIn has 10,000 employees, 433 million members, and no profits. And now it’s got a new owner. If you work there,…

Sophisticated writing with simple words (Ask Dr. Wobs)

Sophisticated writing with simple words (Ask Dr. Wobs)

One key to writing success is to use words that connect with your audience. The secret is not to rein in your vocabulary, but to keep the bullshit density under control. Dear Dr. Wobs: Is there a formula for figuring out exactly how much the vocabulary level in business writing needs to be “dumbed-down” depending…

How to hit on a stranger: two contrasting pick-up lines

How to hit on a stranger: two contrasting pick-up lines

You’re going to need help from people you don’t know. Getting them to respond is like hitting on a stranger. Your pick-up line makes all the difference. Two pick-up lines, two reactions Two strangers contacted me last week. Each wanted a conversation. (Since they were personal messages, I’ve concealed the identities of the senders.) “Lenny” starting hitting on…

Venerable Tribune Publishing, now “tronc,” spews techno-drivel
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Venerable Tribune Publishing, now “tronc,” spews techno-drivel

Yesterday, Tribune Publishing, purveyor of news since 1847, changed its name to “tronc” (short for “Tribune Online Content.”) It’s now a “content curation and monetization company” — a company that makes money from content, what we used to call a media company. Today, I deconstruct the rest of its attempt to use techno-drivel to misdirect our attention from its…