How did AI become an inescapable virus in my writing tools?

How did AI become an inescapable virus in my writing tools?

I, like every other Microsoft Word user, started a document on January 16 only to find a strange icon cluttering up my word processor screen. This is Microsoft Copilot, which exists to provide me with artificial intelligence help in writing documents. I’ve been a professional writer since 1982 and am making my current living as…

Most authors still use Microsoft Word. But other writing tools have their fans.

Most authors still use Microsoft Word. But other writing tools have their fans.

If you’re used to writing in Microsoft Word, stick with it. Familiar tools make writing flow more easily. In my survey of nonfiction authors, 61% used Word as their primary tool. Google Docs has its adherents. It makes sharing files easier (and for the same reason, makes keeping track of stable file versions harder). Where…

How hidden characters in your Microsoft Word manuscript can mess up your book

How hidden characters in your Microsoft Word manuscript can mess up your book

What’s hiding in your Microsoft Word manuscript file? It may look fine — but then, when you submit it to the publisher, the results are poor. If you’re used to using Word to create finished-looking documents, you need to adjust your perspective. You’re now using Word to tell the publisher’s page designers and page layout…

Using Microsoft Word to prepare a book manuscript? Avoid these 14 mistakes.

Using Microsoft Word to prepare a book manuscript? Avoid these 14 mistakes.

You think you know how to use Microsoft Word to write? What you’re doing may be fine for creating a draft to print out, but confusing to the people doing the book page layout and design. If you’re preparing content to be laid out in pages, here are a dozen-plus simple mistakes you really ought…

When will artificial intelligence replace editors?

Not any time soon. Computers are getting much better at identifying writing problems — passive voice, excessive adverbs, misspelled words, the wrong form of “its.” They’re not so good at suggesting answers. And they’re a long way from understanding conceptual and structural issues. From Jacob Brogan’s piece in Slate, “Microsoft’s Grammar and Style Rules Will…

3 ways Google Docs and Google Sheets can make you a better writer

3 ways Google Docs and Google Sheets can make you a better writer

If you’re writing anything interesting, you’re collaborating. And if you’re collaborating, Google Docs and Google Sheets are indispensable tools. Most of you work in organizations where Microsoft Word and Microsoft Excel are standard. They’re comfy and familiar. If you send a file in those formats to somebody, you know they can read it. So why bother…