Your book needs no introduction. So don’t write one.

Your book needs no introduction. So don’t write one.

Nonfiction books should start with a bang. Introductions are boring. Ergo, don’t start with an introduction. Despite the logic of this, many business and nonfiction writers start their books with an introduction. They either think it’s required, or fall victim to the fallacy that, having created a book, they need to somehow explain it. Why…

How to sell 10,000 copies of your book — or decide you don’t need to

How to sell 10,000 copies of your book — or decide you don’t need to

It’s a publishing truism that your book must sell 10,000 copies to be successful. It’s wrong. And it’s also very hard. So let’s take a look at whether you need to sell 10,000 copies, and what it would take to do that. Can you succeed without selling 10,000 copies? The analysis I’m going to share…

The future of book publishing, censorship, and “cancel culture”

The future of book publishing, censorship, and “cancel culture”

Simon & Schuster will not distribute a book by Sgt. Jonathan Mattingly, one of the policemen who shot Breonna Taylor. But crucially, this is not a publisher cancelling a book — Simon & Schuster is the book’s distributor. Let’s take a look at all the choke points in publishing and how their reaction to offensive…

Count words, not pages

Count words, not pages

I often ask writers I’m coaching how many words will be in the piece they are planning to write. They frequently don’t know. They say things like “It will be about three pages long.” You should get used to thinking in word counts rather than page counts. Why? Because word counts are the best measurement…

The message of Rebecca Otis Leder’s Knock: being human in business pays off

The message of Rebecca Otis Leder’s Knock: being human in business pays off

You might think there is no one right way to behave in business. But it turns out, that’s wrong. There really is one right way. There are just a million ways to express it. That’s the message of Knock: How to Open Doors and Build Career Relationships That Matter, the new book by Rebecca Otis…

“You really should charge for this,” said the tech bro
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“You really should charge for this,” said the tech bro

So, I’m lined up to do a consultation with this guy from Silicon Valley. He’s very well connected there, so he tells me. This is a pretty typical session for me — a 30-minute discussion of needs and publishing alternatives with an aspiring author. I typically do three of these a week. And they’re free…