The best (and worst) times to reach out to competing authors

The best (and worst) times to reach out to competing authors

You should make friends with authors who write in the same sphere as you, even if your approaches differ or your books compete. Why? Because readers of competing books are far more likely to want to read yours — and because together, you’ll be defining a perspective worth considering and publicizing. And, of course, because…

Nate Silver demonstrates how not to do book promotion

Nate Silver demonstrates how not to do book promotion

Election forecaster and statistics pundit Nate Silver has a new book out. It’s called On the Edge: The Art of Risking Everything and it’s billed as an investigation of “the River,” the “community of like-minded people whose mastery of risk allows them to shape–and dominate–so much of modern life.” Like any author, Silver and his…

How Vox’s whining about author self-promotion misses the point

How Vox’s whining about author self-promotion misses the point

In her article “Everyone’s a sellout now,” Vox’s Rebecca Jennings laments the poor, sad situation of authors who’ve found that only by selling out and promoting themselves can they generate books sales. Some notable excerpts: The internet has made it so that no matter who you are or what you do — from nine-to-five middle…

Surprising benefits of launching a book — for the whole marketing funnel

Surprising benefits of launching a book — for the whole marketing funnel

When I wrote a book, I expected it to generate leads for my business. This is also a goal for 30% of the business authors I surveyed, so it’s not unusual. Even though the book has only been out for a few weeks, it’s delivered benefits for my consulting business that go far beyond book-generated…

Fundamentals of nonfiction book promotion: using PQRST to plan a book launch

Fundamentals of nonfiction book promotion: using PQRST to plan a book launch

The most common mistake authors make is to fail to promote their books. No, people will not discover your book just because it is great. And no, your publisher will not do all the work and tell you what to do. You have to do it yourself. This is hard for authors because the work…