The true power of links: brief, pointed, powerful writing
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The true power of links: brief, pointed, powerful writing

We still write as if people will read our work in print, but they don’t — they read on glass screens. As a result, you should include links in everything you write, from emails to reports. It will make your writing shorter and more powerful. The versatility of links As a blogger, I use links all the…

Nate Cohn, Nate Silver describe how they misread Donald Trump

Nate Cohn, Nate Silver describe how they misread Donald Trump

I’ve said that true analysts find bigger truths when they’re wrong. Smart people predicted Donald Trump would never win the Republican nomination. It’s pretty revealing what they learned from their mistakes. Let’s look in particular at the mea culpa pieces by Nate Cohn of the New York Times’ feature “The Upshot” and Nate Silver of First, admit your mistake True analysts…

Gender subtext will power the Hillary Clinton-Donald Trump showdown

Gender subtext will power the Hillary Clinton-Donald Trump showdown

Ted Cruz is out. Bernie Sanders can’t realistically win. So it’s Donald Trump versus Hillary Clinton for the 2016 presidential election. Regardless of what you hear, watch closely, because gender perspectives will drive this election. Conventional campaign policy dictates a pivot toward the center in the general election, in which candidates talk less about policies that energize…

Hal Varian’s timeless insights on thinking
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Hal Varian’s timeless insights on thinking

In December of 1994, economist Hal Varian, who is currently Google’s chief economist, wrote a paper called “How to Build an Economic Model in Your Spare Time.” Ignore the subject matter. It should have been called “How to think clearly.” His advice hasn’t lost relevance in the 21-plus years since he wrote it. (Thanks to Cory Doctorow at…

Where Esquire went wrong: promoting a Jeff Jarvis impersonator

Where Esquire went wrong: promoting a Jeff Jarvis impersonator

I’m all for satire, especially on social media. But when traditional media get involved, they must set some boundaries. That’s what didn’t happen when Esquire published an article by a Jeff Jarvis impersonator. First, here are the facts about what happened. Jeff Jarvis is a media critic, author, blogger, and professor at the CUNY Graduate School…

A passel of pernicious passive voice (Master Post)

A passel of pernicious passive voice (Master Post)

I take a lot of shit for telling people to avoid passive voice. But here’s the thing: passive voice hides things. It creates a distance between the writer and the reader. I actually considered writing a whole book on it called “Passive Evil.” You think that’s too strong? Well, I’ve just reviewed all my posts on passive voice and…