Turing CEO Martin Shkreli reveals how passive voice is the last refuge of a scoundrel
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Turing CEO Martin Shkreli reveals how passive voice is the last refuge of a scoundrel

Martin Shkreli, the CEO of Turing Pharmaceuticals, announced a huge increase in the cost of his drug for a life-threatening disease. Then he backtracked. By analyzing his passive statements, you see exactly how a scoundrel evades responsibility. After acquiring the drug Daraprim, used to treat the sometimes deadly parasitic infection toxoplasmosis, Turing Pharmaceuticals hiked the price from $13.50 to…

In the #IStandWithAhmed story, conflicting principles confound the principal
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In the #IStandWithAhmed story, conflicting principles confound the principal

There’s a lot more going on in Irving, Texas than a clever boy with a home-made clock and brown skin. Look close, and the story of #IStandWithAhmed — and the letter the principal sent to parents — reveals how America is cracking apart. [tweetthis]America is built on contradictions. They’re at the heart of #IStandWithAhmed.[/tweetthis] Here are a couple:…

Boston Globe front page HubSpot article lacks actual news

Boston Globe front page HubSpot article lacks actual news

Here’s what I expect from a major newspaper: news. That is, reporting on things that are new. When it comes to sensational headlines about HubSpot, the Globe appears to have forgotten about the “new” part. Like many of you, I’ve been following the titillating saga of the executives that left HubSpot because, allegedly, they used…

The Boston Globe’s Jeff Jacoby needs a bicycling lesson

The Boston Globe’s Jeff Jacoby needs a bicycling lesson

Last month a cyclist died in an accident on Massachusetts Avenue in Boston. Globe columnist Jeff Jacoby thinks the solution is to get bikes off the road, but his editorial, “Urban Roads Aren’t Meant for Bicycles” is just a pile of non sequiturs and whining. Because logic and recommendations are missing from his piece, I’ll have to…

If you demonize Kentucky clerk Kim Davis, you lose the argument

If you demonize Kentucky clerk Kim Davis, you lose the argument

You loved my post about how to disagree with people. But are you living it? Case in point: Kim Davis, a county clerk in Kentucky, has defied the Supreme Court and refused to grant marriage licenses to gay couple, based on her interpretation of the bible. I believe this is wrong. You don’t get to…

The only accurate stock market prediction you’ll read today

The only accurate stock market prediction you’ll read today

I’m here to help you in this troubled time for the market. I will provide you with an accurate description of why the market is down, one that differs from everything you have read in the media. Not only that, I’ll make a bold prediction about where markets are going next. And I’ll tell you how to interpret every article…

How a Forrester analyst thinks about the robots taking your job

How a Forrester analyst thinks about the robots taking your job

Robots and other forms of automation are going to transform the job market, but how much? There are four points of view. And that’s a good way to understand what it means to be an analyst. The pessimist looks at the decline of jobs like secretary or factory worker and sees the same pattern in automation…