Here’s what long tweets will do for Twitter: nothing

Here’s what long tweets will do for Twitter: nothing

Twitter CEO Jack Dorsey suggested that he might allow long tweets — up to 10,000 characters. That’s fixing a bug, not fixing Twitter. It won’t change much. Twitter has limited Tweets to 140 characters since the start, a limit that arose out of length restrictions on text messages. Short tweets defined the service. Nobody tweets by text message…

In the Boston Globe’s crisis, blame the Globe, not digital disruption

In the Boston Globe’s crisis, blame the Globe, not digital disruption

The Boston Globe is now a week into its epic delivery mess. You could blame digital disruption, but you’d be wrong. The Globe’s management did this to itself. First, let me single out the Globe’s journalists for praise. In the wee hours Sunday morning, reporters volunteered to help deliver papers. (I love Hiawatha Bray‘s caption for this photo…

How John Henry should fix the epic stupidity of the Boston Globe

How John Henry should fix the epic stupidity of the Boston Globe

The Boston Globe has managed to survive the inescapable digital transformation of the world, only to destroy itself in spectacularly shortsighted analog fashion. Like all media, the Globe faces digital disruption. But from the innovative launch of in 1995 to the responsive-design works-on-all-devices site of today, its digital steps have been clever and effective. The paper’s…

To Mark Zuckerberg: How a Facebook Truth Icon could cure fake news

To Mark Zuckerberg: How a Facebook Truth Icon could cure fake news

An open letter to Mark Zuckerberg, CEO and Sheryl Sandberg, COO, Facebook: False news is out of hand. People read lies and obliviously share them on Facebook. You can solve this problem. Not only that, you can solve it in a scalable way, without censoring anything and without changing your main sharing algorithm. Let’s see how….

How to tell analysis from numerology

How to tell analysis from numerology

People see patterns, but sometimes they are coincidences. To analyze numbers in a meaningful way, you must be disciplined both in how you collect them and how you connect them. Otherwise, you’re just doing numerology. Take Charles Arthur’s article in The Guardian called “90:9:1 – the odd ratio that technology keeps creating.” The intelligent reader asks…

How Donald Trump has changed political branding and marketing
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How Donald Trump has changed political branding and marketing

While I don’t believe Donald Trump will win the upcoming election, he has changed American political marketing forever. Successful politicians like Ronald Reagan, Bill Clinton, and Barack Obama all changed the rules of the game. Trump’s innovative political brand will change how politicians market themselves. Put aside your perspective on the morality of his positions and analyze…