The future of news: AI-driven feed wars

The future of news: AI-driven feed wars

We’re about to see a wholesale restructuring of how people get the feeds of information that matters to them, especially news. Right now there are three types of players. News organizations create news content and surround it with advertising. Consumers consume news and ads, sometimes paying for subscriptions. And between the two are intermediaries. The…

“Turn of Phrase” at the Bowdoin College Museum of Art: Doing violence to text as an art form

“Turn of Phrase” at the Bowdoin College Museum of Art: Doing violence to text as an art form

I think of words as a medium I can use for the clearest possible communication. So it was very strange to see artists using words as art materials — and often, for the purposes of obscuring communication rather than clarifying it. Some thoughts on “Turn of Phrase” at Bowdoin College Bowdoin is in the charming…

Monty Python’s argument clinic: how “funny” demands unexpected shifts in perspective that machines will never master

Monty Python’s argument clinic: how “funny” demands unexpected shifts in perspective that machines will never master

I admit it: I’m obsessed with why ChatGPT and other AI services can’t be funny. I’m convinced the answer is that true humor demands an unexpected shift in perspective, and AI machines, trained to mimic patterns in what they’ve read, have problems with both “unexpected” and “shift in perspective.” Monty Python is the master of…

About that Vanderbilt post-shooting email: ChatGPT feigns sympathy poorly, but so do humans

About that Vanderbilt post-shooting email: ChatGPT feigns sympathy poorly, but so do humans

Associate deans at the Vanderbilt University office of Equity, Diversity, and Inclusion (EDI) sent an email to the whole Peabody College community after a man shot eight people at Michigan State University. The deans made the ill-considered choice to use ChatGPT to write the note. But regardless of that choice, such post-shooting sympathy notes are…

The dishonesty of The Dawn Project’s anti-Tesla Super Bowl ad

The dishonesty of The Dawn Project’s anti-Tesla Super Bowl ad

An advocacy group called “The Dawn Project” aired an ad challenging the safety of Tesla’s Full Self Driving feature during the Super Bowl. The ad is a good example of dishonest fearmongering. Before I analyze the ad, let me clarify two things. First, this ad appeared, not nationally, but in local markets like Washington, DC…