Without Bullshit is now Bernoff.com

Spring is a great time to renew the way you present yourself to the world. So welcome to my new online home.

I’m rebranding.

If you were subscribed to my former site at withoutbullshit.com, I’ve automatically subscribed you to the new site at bernoff.com. All my future updates will come from here; there will be no more posts at the former site. In fact, withoutbullshit.com will be going away shortly, but we’ll make sure any of your old bookmarks will point to same content on the new site.

My content focus remains the same: clear communication. But I’ll now be focusing much more on nonfiction books and authors. (The snarky tone and no-bullshit attitude will remain the same — I couldn’t change those if I tried.)

You may have noticed a new book cover on the front of the site. I’ll add more detail on that book, Build a Better Business Book, next week. (It’s coming out in June.)

There’s a nice clear page about the services I provide for authors.

Not everything is working perfectly yet, but that’s all coming soon.

Thanks for sticking with me, but certainly feel free to unsubscribe if you can’t stand the new branding. In the meantime, I hope your spring renewal is going as well as mine is!

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  1. Good for you, Josh. The rebrand sounds like a smart idea.
    Which service is hosting your new site? Is it the same hosting service you were already using? If not, why did you switch?

  2. The new site is on WP Engine.

    The old site was on a proprietary server run by my late web developer. He transferred those servers over to another developer before he died, but I’m happier to be on something standard.

  3. This looks like an excellent rebranding. Thank you for making it easy — effortless, in fact — to keep my subscription active.

    I’m thinking those hyacinths were probably nourished with some of the bullshit you’ve helped me remove from my writing.