Why you should stream “Hundreds of Beavers,” the best movie of 2024
I readily admit that I find the special-effects and superhero movies now flooding the multiplexes and streaming services to be tedious.
But I recently discovered the antidote to all that: a movie that is utterly unique, action-filled, humorous, fun, and filled with drama and romance. It’s called Hundreds of Beavers.
Prepare to have your mind blown
This epic tale of an applejack farmer and drunkard who, after many challenges and near-death experiences, becomes the frozen North’s most skillful fur trapper, is, shockingly, presented in black and white, mostly silent, with a total production budget of $150,000. The costumes are ludicrous, the action frenetic, the special effects charmingly crude, and the plot increasingly outlandish. You’ll never trust a beaver again.
I am certain you will fall in love with this movie as I did — at least if you appreciate visual wit at the most basic level. It is truly unlike anything you’ve ever seen before. Eraserhead meets Allegro non Troppo meets Airplane!.
The main character’s Jean Kayak’s hat alone deserves to win the Academy Award for Best Costume:

It is currently streaming free on Amazon Prime or freevee, or you can rent it for $5.99 on Apple TV.
Here’s the trailer. Let me know what you think after you watch it. I have no evidence of whether it’s better when you’re stoned — I’d welcome any testimony on that.
Hundreds of Beavers was an instant hit here in southernmost Maine. I immediately convened an evening viewing with my winter camping buddies. Epic. As you say, highest marks for exploring the opposite direction of most movie productions.