The rush discount

Everyone knows about the rush premium — you pay more if you want something faster.
I believe in the rush discount.
Faster projects go better.
No, I’m not talking about the mad and sloppy rush jobs where you make errors and don’t have time to check them. I mean a job that goes at the maximum speed that a contractor like me can deliver.
You want me to write or edit something big? I’m going to need your help. You’ll have to provide me with everything I need, as soon as I need it. You’ll have to minimize the politics on your end to speed the approvals.
I work better when I work faster. I don’t have to switch tasks and come back to things. I can get into a flow state and stay there.
Plus, I usually get paid when I complete milestones on these jobs. The faster we can finish, the faster the money gets into my bank account.
So I’m initiating a discount for speed. We’ll agree on the deadlines. I’ll go as fast as I can. And if you get me everything I need in the time frame I need it to meet those deadlines, you get the work for 10% off.
I love clients who work fast, make snappy decisions, value speed along with quality, and minimize the politics on their end.
Here’s hoping the rush discount gets me more clients just like that.
Fascinating. I never thought about that. I assume that there’s a number of days that qualifies.