Why Zuckerberg reversed course: it wasn’t just the boycotts
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Why Zuckerberg reversed course: it wasn’t just the boycotts

Boycotts rarely work. But in the face of advertiser boycotts, Facebook just did a U-turn on its policy on labelling or blocking presidential posts. The cause and effect here is a lot more complex than it appears. As recently as the beginning of June, Facebook CEO Mark Zuckerberg said the right decision on presidential posts,…

The Pence-Trump gambit that Democrats don’t want to imagine

The Pence-Trump gambit that Democrats don’t want to imagine

Who will win the the 2020 presidential election? Right now, with Donald Trump plummeting in polls, the best guess would be Joe Biden. But there is a scenario that could reverse that trend. I present this, not a prediction, but as provocative analysis, food for thought. Ask yourself this first: why is Trump falling behind?…

A sober analysis of Trump’s executive order regarding social media

A sober analysis of Trump’s executive order regarding social media

President Trump signed an executive order yesterday that would change the government’s stance on social networks. Let’s look at the portions that make sense, and the portions that are unhinged raving. I’ll start with this. Social networks need regulation. Twitter, Facebook, and YouTube are spreading disinformation and dividing America. Now that Twitter has added content…

That batshit Trump statement about injecting disinfectant

That batshit Trump statement about injecting disinfectant

President Trump actually suggested injecting disinfectant to cure coronavirus. On its face, this statement is so incendiary and dangerous that it demands dissection. What did he actually say, in what context, and what did he mean? The president says many batshit things which, on closer examination, appear to be just rambling of some kind which,…

Why the White House guidelines for Opening Up America Again are so wimpy

Why the White House guidelines for Opening Up America Again are so wimpy

The Trump Administration published a set of guidelines for restarting economic activity after the global pandemic. They’re so squishy that they’re meaningless. This set of guidelines follows a dizzying set of stances from the President, starting with Trump’s statement Tuesday that he had the absolute authority to order states to “reopen.” That flew in the…

Cheering for laundry and other reflections on loyalty

Cheering for laundry and other reflections on loyalty

Our team loyalties are unshakable. That’s what makes events like the Super Bowl enjoyable — we know who love, and we know who we hate. But loyalty ought to have limits. As Jerry Seinfeld memorably explained, we’re just rooting for laundry. The players change, the teams move, but we know who we like. Why are…

An analysis of Trump’s deranged impeachment letter to Nancy Pelosi

An analysis of Trump’s deranged impeachment letter to Nancy Pelosi

Donald Trump sent a 2700-word letter to House Speaker Nancy Pelosi on the eve of the vote on his impeachment. It’s a rambling, shambling mess filled with feints, irrelevant claims, and counterattacks. I’ll get into why it exists, what it’s trying to do, and whether it succeeds in that goal. I really didn’t want to…

Navy Secretary’s letter spits in Trump’s eye on the way out the door

Navy Secretary’s letter spits in Trump’s eye on the way out the door

Navy Secretary Richard V. Spencer resigned this weekend in a dispute over military justice for Navy SEAL Eddie Gallagher. His letter is a not-so-veiled dig at President Trump’s respect for the rule of law. Here’s what happened: Gallagher was accused of crimes including the murder of a wounded Islamic State prisoner. He was convicted of…