Meat porn
It’s a bad week for meat. The UN World Health Organization says red meat causes cancer. And a study found that 2% of hot dogs contain human DNA. Yuck!
These sensational stories demand a stock photo. Hmm. Should we feature a photo of the UN, of colorectal cancer, or of meat? Guess what the editors picked.
So we all got a nice selection of meat porn in our Facebook feeds. I gather it together here as a public service, because after viewing these photos you may never want to eat meat again. Or you may want to have a big steak and sausage breakfast. Whatever.

I might remind you that the “bull” in bullshit is a male steak 🙂
I forgot your bullshit rule about quoting numbers, and after (bare minimum) research I’m probably wrong:
Not the majority, but plausibly enough to account for 2%. But then, your quote that 2% of hotdogs contain human DNA is a bit ambiguous. They found human DNA in 2% of hotdogs that they sampled, i.e. if they tested 100 hotdogs, 2 of them had human DNA in them. They didn’t say how much DNA. It could have been a single particle, that with PCA ( ) techniques can be detected.