Make data happen.
I miss data. I love data and I can do great stuff with it.
When I started at Forrester, we had no consumer data. Then Bill Bluestein challenged me to come up with a consumer segmentation. We used that segmentation, Technographics, to build our first consumer surveys.
We entered an awesome world in which you could find the answers to questions, answers that no one else knew. And when you visited a client, you could bring them data about their industry or their customers. Forrester has been doing that now for 18 years.
I want that kind of data about how people read and write at work. So I’m asking for it.
This is where you come in. Take 10 minutes and take a quick survey.
I’ll send a signed, advance copy of Writing Without Bullshit to 5 of the first 200 people to take the survey. And I’ll send 5 more if we reach 600. You’ll be the first people in the world to see the book.
But don’t click because of that. Click because we all ought to learn what’s really happening out there with the struggles of people reading and writing at work. And then share the link so I can get data from lots more people.
I’m good with data. You’ll like what I do with it. That’s a promise.
Note: This survey is working fine for most people, but a few are getting tossed back to the start after completing the survey partway. If you experience this glitch, please just go back and complete the survey again, it will work and it will remember your previous responses.