How to manipulate authors with a simple phrase: “Your book”

There’s a simple trick I use with every author or prospective author I work with: I treat them like an author.
My meeting invites always have titles like “Talk about your book.”
My project plans include titles like “Stages in the development of your book.”
I always refer to them as authors.
Every first-time author has romantic feelings about being published. The idea that we’re talking about “your book” makes them feel warm and accepted. Their book now seems real.
I do this because I want the author to believe in their book. We can’t make it real until they believe it is real.
However . . .
Obviously I’m not the only provider of services to authors that knows this method. Every hybrid publisher, self-publishing service provider, editor, cover designer, and marketing and publicity agency knows it, too.
They’ll be happy to talk about “your book” — even though no book yet exists — because they know that will make it easier for them to get your money.
Some of these services are worthwhile. Others are not.
But whether they get you feeling warm and fuzzy about “your book” shouldn’t be what makes the difference.