In negotiations, are you tough or mean? A riff on the Harvard Negotiation Project.

In negotiations, are you tough or mean? A riff on the Harvard Negotiation Project.

As I watch bluster, posturing, and insults dominate the national (and international) debate, I’ve been appalled. It’s not just the bad manners. It’s that anyone who has studied negotiation knows those are failed strategies. I received training in negotiation from the leaders of the Harvard Negotiation Project (HNP), the insightful team behind the the book “Getting…

Secretary of State Mike Pompeo and the war against improper commas

Secretary of State Mike Pompeo and the war against improper commas

According to CNN, Mike Pompeo wants all State Department staff to stop using commas improperly. This obviously warrants all of our attention. The article, snarkily titled “Pompeo cracks down, on improper use, of commas at State Department,” reveals that Pompeo is an admirer of the Chicago Manual of Style and the Oxford Comma, also known…

Deconstructing the internet pioneers’ statement against EU Article 13

Deconstructing the internet pioneers’ statement against EU Article 13

The European Parliament has voted for a new copyright directive that changes the rules of the internet. Dozens of prominent internet pioneers and thinkers, including Web inventor Tim-Berners-Lee, issued a statement condemning the directive. The spirit of the letter is on target, but the execution is a muddle. The European Union Directive on Copyright in the…

The mystery of The New York Times’ anonymous op-ed: a ROAM analysis

The mystery of The New York Times’ anonymous op-ed: a ROAM analysis

The New York Times posted an op-ed from an unnamed “senior official” who is managing the chaos in the Trump Administration. To truly understand what’s going on here, you need to look at the writer’s motivation. ROAM is the perfect way to do that — but in this case, it only deepens the mystery. The…

New Yorker editor David Remnick justifies his about-face on Steve Bannon

New Yorker editor David Remnick justifies his about-face on Steve Bannon

David Remnick, editor of The New Yorker, agreed to interview former Breitbart leader and Trump advisor Steve Bannon on stage at The New Yorker Festival. Then, on second thought, he decided not to. Changing your mind is hard; justifying it is even harder. The challenge here is that Bannon is the self-acknowledged leader of the…

Did Brianna Wu get shafted by the Globe’s choice of photos?

Did Brianna Wu get shafted by the Globe’s choice of photos?

Brianna Wu may be the most tech-savvy candidate running for Congress in Massachusetts this year. But would you vote for her or her opponents on Tuesday, based on this set of photos that appeared in the The Boston Globe’s guide to the primary election? The guy on the left is incumbent Stephen Lynch, campaigning. The…

Truegle: Building a Google clone that lives up to Trump’s ideals

Truegle: Building a Google clone that lives up to Trump’s ideals

Donald Trump has accused Google of bias, saying that 96% of Trump News searches result in media with a left-wing bias. His economic advisor Larry Kudlow has said the government will look into regulating sites like Google. To determine the validity of Trump’s complaint, let’s invent a new Google search called “Truegle” that would live…

The Milo Yiannopoulos whine is the endpoint of a troll’s lifecycle
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The Milo Yiannopoulos whine is the endpoint of a troll’s lifecycle

Milo Yiannopolous is a provocateur. A British national stirring up American politics, a gay icon of the alt-right, he takes hateful positions on race and politics that have earned him wrath and protests wherever he appears. He advocated for sex with 13-year-olds. He cheered on Gamergate’s harassment of women. As a result, now, his life…

Why does everyone admire John McCain? Because he was a leader who knew how to argue.

Why does everyone admire John McCain? Because he was a leader who knew how to argue.

I have been struck by the overwhelmingly positive and admiring comments about John McCain from people at all points on the political spectrum, including not just Republicans but the likes of Bernie Sanders, Bill and Hillary Clinton, and Barack Obama.There’s a lesson here in leadership for today’s politicians, on how to argue on principle. You…