On abortion, Rep. Stephen Lynch loudly proclaims his nonexistent position

On abortion, Rep. Stephen Lynch loudly proclaims his nonexistent position

Massachusetts Congressman Stephen Lynch is that rarest of creatures, a pro-life Democrat. But the recent abortion bans passed in states like Alabama are too extreme even for many abortion opponents. Lynch has responded in the Boston Globe by emphatically saying . . . nothing. There are a number of positions a politician can take on…

Game of Thrones as a metaphor for American politics

Game of Thrones as a metaphor for American politics

Umm, no. Game of Thrones is a narrative created solely to capture and manipulate the attention of the viewer, focusing on the shocking and unexpected violations of norms. That’s not American politics. That’s American media. Except the part where Samwell Tarly suggests a democracy and everyone laughs at the idea. That part was relevant.

The White House is right to collect info from victims of social media bans

The White House is right to collect info from victims of social media bans

The White House launched a new site to collect reports of Americans banned on social media. This is a good idea. I expect to get flamed for this opinion. I’m no fan of Trump. But let’s take this apart, independent of who is collecting the information. I’ll analyze it the form of a Q &…

The Rod Rosenstein resignation letter is a muddle — like his tenure

The Rod Rosenstein resignation letter is a muddle — like his tenure

Deputy Attorney General Rod Rosenstein finally resigned. His resignation letter is aimless, confusing, and longer than you would expect — much like his his two-plus years in the post. Who is Rod Rosenstein? He’s the guy who wrote the memo that Trump used as a pretense to fire FBI directory James Comey. He’s the official…

The fundamental question: Do you want answers or empathy?

The fundamental question: Do you want answers or empathy?

Much of human conflict can be traced to a fundamental misunderstanding: giving people answers when they want empathy, or vice versa. Think about it. If you are in a serious relationship, what happens when your significant other comes to you in a state of upset about something happening in their life? When someone comes to…

Trump’s latest tweet raises the question: should presidents be marketers?

Trump’s latest tweet raises the question: should presidents be marketers?

Donald Trump is now giving free branding advice to Boeing on how to deal with the challenge of its crashing 737 MAX planes. It’s not bad advice, but it does make you wonder if having the president act like a marketer is a good idea. Here’s Trump’s tweet: This is a dumb thing to tweet…

Flaming idiocy in the passive voice in Ridgefield, Connecticut

Flaming idiocy in the passive voice in Ridgefield, Connecticut

Somebody did something dumb in Ridgefield, Connecticut. Here’s the text of a post from the town’s official Facebook page: There as been an incident in town that we want make citizens aware of. A RHS baseball game at Governor Park was delayed due to weather conditions on the field this morning. A poor decision was…

Felicity Huffman shows how to apologize properly
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Felicity Huffman shows how to apologize properly

The actress Felicity Huffman just pleaded guilty to bribing college authorities to get her daughter into college Oliva Jade into USC. Then she apologized briefly and effectively. A true apology admits guilt and addresses the harm the apologizer caused to specific people. It isn’t “I’m sorry you were hurt,” it is “I’m sorry I hurt…