Creating reviewable drafts: complete but not finished
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Creating reviewable drafts: complete but not finished

If you are creating a draft of a book chapter, essay, blog post, or other content that others must review, it’s tempting to just assemble something quickly and fling it out there. After all, people are just going to criticize it anyway. Alternatively, you may be tempted to make your draft as complete and polished…

The fundamental theorem of nonfiction writing

The fundamental theorem of nonfiction writing

Writing is easy. Planning is hard. Research is time-consuming. Ideation comes from experience. Those four thoughts, taken together, are the fundamental theorem of nonfiction writing. Imagine a book chapter. (It’s not very different if it’s an article or a blog post — the same thing applies.) Ideation can often happen quickly. One moment you don’t…

How writers can efficiently serve two masters (or more)

How writers can efficiently serve two masters (or more)

Whether you’re writing in a corporate setting or as a freelancer, you’re likely to face this common issue: multiple “client” individuals that you must satisfy before the project is complete. How can a writer serve more than one master? In my experience, this is both extremely common and very tricky. In the business writer survey…

The one-star review

The one-star review

Build a Better Business Book has 33 reviews on Amazon. Of these, 32 are five stars, and one is one-star. This really pisses me off. And it’s not because I hate criticism. It’s because the bad review didn’t teach me anything. Hate a product? You can do better than this. If you truly think a…

Newsletter 18 October 2023: Feckless techno-optimists; AI-generated science; Spotify audiobooks

Newsletter 18 October 2023: Feckless techno-optimists; AI-generated science; Spotify audiobooks

Newsletter Week 14: The problem with rampant technology; AI “assists” in the creation of journal articles; authors join musicians as Spotify serfs; plus three people to follow and three books to read. Marc Andreessen says “trust technology.” Here’s why that’s dangerous Mark Andreessen of the venture firm Andreessen-Horowitz published “The Techno-Optimist Manifesto.” I have to…

The best ways to collaborate on titles and subtitles

The best ways to collaborate on titles and subtitles

In 15 years of working with authors, I’ve learned this about titles and subtitles: This means they need two different types of ideation processes. Titles are a bolt from the blue A title should be catchy, clever, and unique. You can’t “get close” to a title. It’s either right, or you need something different. As…