The year in bullshit: top “Without Bullshit” posts of 2017

The year in bullshit: top “Without Bullshit” posts of 2017

It’s been a hell of a year, and every month was filled with its share of bullshit. So let’s review 2017 through the lens of the most popular Without Bullshit posts in every month. January: “What’s really wrong with millennials?” asks Simon Sinek Simon Sinek has it all figured out. Millennials are screwed up because…

Synonyms for bullshit

Synonyms for bullshit

Sometimes you can’t call bullshit by its name. To avoid repetition, to write in places that prohibit curse words, or just to be more descriptive, you need synonyms. Thanks to Stephen Chrisomalis on a site called The Phrontistery, I now have a useful list of synonyms for bullshit. Here are some of my favorites. Descriptions…

The Republican National Committee sent a “push” poll. Here’s why that’s a problem.

The Republican National Committee sent a “push” poll. Here’s why that’s a problem.

A friend of mine got an email “poll” announcement from the Republican National Committee. This is a “push” poll — an attempt to conduct politics using the poll as a cover. I’ll explain why no legitimate political party should ever do this. Here’s what the email looked like: And if you scroll all the way…

A writer’s life: What I did for clients in 2017 (and could do for you, if you want)

A writer’s life: What I did for clients in 2017 (and could do for you, if you want)

I made a pretty decent living as a writer this year, and I’m grateful — not many writers can say that. I thought it might help other writers and whatever friends and fans I have out there to peek into how I did it, so here’s a retrospective of a writer’s life in 2017. I…