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AI, patterns, and creativity

Great writers, thinkers, and researchers see patterns that others cannot. They then tell you about what they see and what you can do about it.

Of course, of the things AI is best at is recognizing patterns. Does this mean writers, thinkers, and researchers are going to become obsolete?

Not quite. First off, people see patterns that no machine could ever recognize. They connect the dots between hurricanes and plankton blooms, or stock surges and wage slumps. They see around corners.

The pattern-finding people are for sure going to use AI to help spot patterns, but their judgment is still important.

But with AI on the job, as a writer, thinker, or researcher, you have another job: to be contrarian.

Write a self-help book about how confidence is your worst enemy.

Give a speech about what your reclusive neighbor taught you about networking.

Figure out what parts of social media are doing the most good for humanity, and how regulations could actually help those parts.

If everyone is zigging, you should be zagging. AI will be really bad at that. But for you, a creative human, it’s an amazing way to stand out.

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  1. I love this post so much, Josh. Contrarians have prospered in the stock market forever. How refreshing to consider using our rebelliousness to prosper as writers. Yes, it’s truly a wise idea. Thank you!

  2. Josh, it’s so funny that you mentioned the book about confidence. Check out my new book proposal that I just submitted to my publisher this morning:

    The Confidence Charade: Why Believing You’re Enough Might Be Holding You Back

    We’ve all seen them: the self-proclaimed “rockstars” who parachute into a project with unwavering confidence, only to crash and burn spectacularly. But have you ever considered that you might be that person?

    This counterintuitive guide exposes the hidden pitfalls of blind confidence. You’ll learn how an inflated sense of self can lead to hilarious (and sometimes disastrous) situations, like:

    The PowerPoint Proposal Peril: Barbara, convinced her marketing plan is a revolutionary masterpiece. She breezes into the presentation, ignoring audience questions and critiques. The result? Crickets, followed by a slow realization that her “genius” idea relies on holograms and carrier pigeons – neither of which exist in the company budget.

    The Dunning-Kruger Dinner Party: Ever met Harold, the guest who confidently regales everyone with “facts” about astrophysics, despite having gotten most of them from a sci-fi movie trailer? That’s the Dunning-Kruger effect in action: the less you know, the more confident you appear.

    The Confidence Charade isn’t about putting yourself down. It’s about building a more nuanced and realistic self-image, one that empowers you to learn, adapt, and achieve your full potential. This book dismantles the confidence myth and offers a refreshing alternative: strategic humility.

    You’ll discover:
    * The power of embracing your limitations and acknowledging what you don’t know.
    * How healthy self-doubt can fuel curiosity and a hunger for improvement.
    * The importance of vulnerability and authenticity in building genuine connections.

    By the end of this book, you’ll be ready to ditch the “fake it till you make it” mentality and embrace a growth mindset that celebrates continuous learning and honest self-reflection. After all, isn’t it better to be delightfully surprised by your own capabilities than to be the punchline of someone else’s confidence story?

    Actually written by Google Gemini. April Fools. : )