A profile of business authors
I want to know who nonfiction and business authors are and how they work.
I’d like to know why they got started, what their goals were, did they accomplish those goals, how long did it take, how did they publish (or plan to publish), how many copies did they sell, and how they made money. I’d like to know whether their goals varied by gender or age and what strategies they used to promote themselves. I want to know if they plowed through their book in three months and wanted to give up every day.
Amazingly, there is no reliable survey of nonfiction and business authors I can count on to get this information.
So I created one.
Here’s the deal. If you are a nonfiction or business author — or are planning on becoming one — click here and fill out the survey. It will take about 7 minutes of your day.
If you as an author have gotten any value out of this blog, this is all I will ask in return.
And if you know authors or work with them, send this link to them:
I promise to publish a report on the results of this survey and share it with all of you for free. Then you’ll see how you stand and how things are changing in the business of nonfiction publishing. But I can’t do that unless a bunch of you give me 7 minutes of your time.