SoFi delivers my favorite Black Friday advertisement ever
My eyes glaze over when I see Black Friday advertising. The louder you shout, the more I shut it out. The commercialism sickens me, and I don’t give a crap about deals.
That’s why this flyer made me grin so hard. Take a close look at the copy — it’s worth it.
Great copywriting
It’s audacious to bet your ad budget on a parody.
The photography, the typography, the layout, and the colors are spot-on for the shopper seeking deals. But this is the only newspaper flyer that will say, “These prices suck so hard,” “Stunning 4K picture will end up costing you an extra $4K,” and “Ultra-high def at an ultra-high price!”
It wins my prize for most effective use of an exclamation point, and I hate exclamation points.
I’m betting the camouflage is likely to attract Black Friday shoppers running up their credit card bills and send them right to to refinance their bills. Nice work.
If you follow SoFi, you know that their management is in turmoil right now. But their marketers deserve a pat on the back.