Why is Tony Robbins pathetically begging me for SEO links?

Why is Tony Robbins pathetically begging me for SEO links?

I was amused when the organization of Tony Robbins, famous motivational speaker, asked me for a web link to boost his SEO, because I’m a human who tends to do perverse things when you treat me like a machine. Here’s the email I received: Subject: You Mentioned Tony Robbins [Thank you] From: Ignite Visibility <Ignite@tonyrobbins.com>…

Blab shuts down with a loud, clear “Screw you”

Blab shuts down with a loud, clear “Screw you”

Blab, a livestreaming startup with 3.9 million users, just shut down abruptly. Founder Shaan Puri’s message to the world is crystal clear. Unfortunately, he also treats his users like any other resource — they were useful for a while, but now he’s discarding them like an obsolete iPhone. Blab had a good run. In addition to its…