Equifax statement dumping its CEO is a mass of weaselly mush

Equifax statement dumping its CEO is a mass of weaselly mush

Unsurprisingly, Equifax canned its CEO after the recent data breach. Er, not quite . . . actually he “retired.” The company is still caught between being responsible and avoiding blaming anyone. The language in the release — and the company’s own description of itself — reveal just how little the company stands for. Here’s the…

Writing a company profile that’s not awful (Ask Dr. Wobs)

Writing a company profile that’s not awful (Ask Dr. Wobs)

Dear Dr. Wobs Company profiles are some of the most boring pieces of content. How can they be improved?  — Alessandra Dear Alessandra: A typical company profile — often shown on the “About us” section of a Web site — is a political exercise that makes everyone at the company unhappy, even as it mystifies customers….

Wells Fargo’s vision and values led to its downfall

Wells Fargo’s vision and values led to its downfall

Visions statements inspire. Wells Fargo’s inspired fraud. A close read of the company’s Vision & Values Statement reveals how the bank’s employees took some of the statements in this vision too far, ignored others, and created a corrupt scheme to meet quotas and violate customers’ trust. Elizabeth Warren mentioned the Vision & Values Statement during her withering…