You should spend half your time listening

You should spend half your time listening

As a freelancer, should you spend half your time marketing yourself? I’ve heard that suggestion, and I have to say, it sounds tedious as hell. Supposedly, you have to advertise and also network like mad. Plus, find opportunities to give speeches and promote yourself. You know, “hustle.” This fills the top of your “funnel” with…

In social media, speaking without listening is malpractice

In “The Hunt for Red October,” a character describes to the protagonist Jack Ryan how Russian subs are sending out many sonar pings but, at the speed they are going, can’t actually listen and use the sonar to locate anything. Too often, this is how “influencers” use social media: to shout, and not to listen….

10 ways you can help when your client is smarter than you are

10 ways you can help when your client is smarter than you are

If you are a consultant, you’re supposed to be providing a service your client can’t get on her own. The usual dynamic is “I know about my area of expertise; I can help you with that.” But what happens when your client is more of an expert than you are? Your ability to contribute to an…