Note to FedEx: schoolyard taunts are a poor PR strategy

Note to FedEx: schoolyard taunts are a poor PR strategy

On Sunday, the New York Times published a critique of the way that the shipper FedEx cut its federal tax bill to zero. Rather than defending itself, FedEx lashed out at the finances of the Times. While such tactics may be working for politicians, they’re no way for a public company to behave. Here’s the…

Boycott frenzy, “discrimination,” and the tyranny of efficiency

Boycott frenzy, “discrimination,” and the tyranny of efficiency

In the wake of the school shooting in Florida and NRA president Wayne LaPierre’s statement that the right to bear arms is “granted by God to all Americans as our American birthright,” a slew of companies from Delta Airlines and Hertz to MetLife have ended discount programs with the NRA. Now people are calling for…