The year’s best holiday marketing email, courtesy of . . . bitly?

The year’s best holiday marketing email, courtesy of . . . bitly?

Tis the season for every online retailer on the planet pinging you endlessly to buy, buy, buy and save, save, save. For marketers who products are digital, it’s particularly challenging to stand out. Nobody wants bits in their stocking, even though more and more of the things we value are virtual. So I was impressed…

Harassment marketing

Harassment marketing

Seth Godin wrote the book on permission marketing — the privilege (not the right) of delivering anticipated, personal and relevant messages to people who actually want to get them. You know, like a mailing list. Marketers have turned this on its head with a new kind of marketing: harassment marketing. Those are marketing messages that…

Based on emails, the Trump campaign thinks I’m an idiot.  His opponent does, too.

Based on emails, the Trump campaign thinks I’m an idiot. His opponent does, too.

I get one or two emails a day from Trump or one of his friends. They are clearly designed for people who don’t use their brains on a regular basis. Take a look at the example below. I got on this list because I answered a “survey,” and I stayed on it because I’m curious…

Stop chasing your tail. Think a few weeks ahead. Your crisis messaging demands it.

Stop chasing your tail. Think a few weeks ahead. Your crisis messaging demands it.

It’s hard to think long-term right now, with everything changing rapidly. But you don’t have to react — and communicate — as if your time horizon is measured in hours. Think a few weeks ahead, and your messaging will look a lot smarter. I thought of this because of the string of messages I got…