Some questions about the President’s American Artificial Intelligence Initiative

Some questions about the President’s American Artificial Intelligence Initiative

President Trump announced the “American AI initiative” with an executive order. Like many such presidential pronouncements (and not just from Trump), it’s somehow both blustery and mushy. Let’s take it apart and see if it makes sense. In what follows, commentary is mine. Passages in bold italic are passive voice, weasel words, or other notably…

Why does Trump just make stuff up in the State of the Union?

Why does Trump just make stuff up in the State of the Union?

Donald Trump’s State of the Union message sounded like a rational if self-serving laundry list of dozens of platitudes and programs — you know, just like every other president’s. Except for one thing: He invented facts that are easily proven false. Why? The rest of this post is based mostly on the fact checks in…

Jim Mattis’ resignation letter: clear, but not straightforward

Jim Mattis’ resignation letter: clear, but not straightforward

Very soon after Donald Trump announced he would withdraw the US troops now in Syria and many of those in Afghanistan, Secretary of Defense Jim “Mad Dog” Mattis resigned. Let’s read between the lines in his resignation letter. Resignation letters in the Trump administration tend to be short and uncontroversial. If you’re not leaving because…

Insights from the letter that George H.W. Bush left for Bill Clinton — and other presidential letters

Insights from the letter that George H.W. Bush left for Bill Clinton — and other presidential letters

There was a time when the purpose of American politics was to get useful things done for the largest possible number of Americans. There was a shared understanding of the institutions of government and how it should work. President George H.W. Bush, who died on Friday, was the embodiment of that ideal, and his letter…

Trump’s Saudi Arabia statement: Realpolitik for kindergarteners

Trump’s Saudi Arabia statement: Realpolitik for kindergarteners

Saudis murdered the Washington Post columnist Jamal Kashoggi in their Turkish embassy. Now President Trump is making the case that we must stand by Saudi Arabia. The term for this sort of strategy is “realpolitik” — but the level of such arguments is typically intellectual, not playground taunts. What is realpolitik? It is international relations…

The mystery of The New York Times’ anonymous op-ed: a ROAM analysis

The mystery of The New York Times’ anonymous op-ed: a ROAM analysis

The New York Times posted an op-ed from an unnamed “senior official” who is managing the chaos in the Trump Administration. To truly understand what’s going on here, you need to look at the writer’s motivation. ROAM is the perfect way to do that — but in this case, it only deepens the mystery. The…