My rules for arguing

My rules for arguing

Since I’ve been in a few digital fights lately . . . If you disagree with me and you choose to pick a fight in a public digital space (a social network or my blog, for example), I will respond based on logic, data, and examples. I will not bring your character into it. If…

How to argue better — and what to teach your children about arguing

How to argue better — and what to teach your children about arguing

I love arguing — if it’s done right. There are basically two kinds of arguments. I only like arguing to reach the truth. Arguing for enlightenment In school, I learned that science is about testing out what is true about the real world, to gain insight. I liked that idea. I am not a scientist,…

Why does everyone admire John McCain? Because he was a leader who knew how to argue.

Why does everyone admire John McCain? Because he was a leader who knew how to argue.

I have been struck by the overwhelmingly positive and admiring comments about John McCain from people at all points on the political spectrum, including not just Republicans but the likes of Bernie Sanders, Bill and Hillary Clinton, and Barack Obama.There’s a lesson here in leadership for today’s politicians, on how to argue on principle. You…

Who’s afraid of a vigorous argument: Edward Albee estate vs. producer Michael Streeter

Who’s afraid of a vigorous argument: Edward Albee estate vs. producer Michael Streeter

Portland theatrical producer Michael Streeter had planned to cast a black actor in his production of the late Edward Albee’s play Who’s Afraid of Virginia Woolf. The estate of the playwright objected. And despite a furious argument about what happened, nobody threw rocks or called each other names. The result actually made us all a bit smarter. Let’s…

5 ways to use evidence to back up (or challenge) an argument

5 ways to use evidence to back up (or challenge) an argument

Based on the material I’m reading and editing, a lot of people have forgotten how to use evidence in their writing. They make unsupported statements that the reader is just supposed to swallow whole. If you want to persuade me that your assessment is valid, your prediction is accurate, or your advice is effective, here are five ways…