The corruption inherent in addiction economics
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The corruption inherent in addiction economics

I’ve been studying the economic intersection of capitalism and addiction. It is a highly profitable and always a sordid business. A recent history of businesses based on addiction For a recent book project, I looked into what the tobacco companies did in the 20th century. We all know today that nicotine is addictive and cigarettes…

Think South Dakota’s “Meth. We’re on it.” is a dumb slogan? You’re not in the target market

Think South Dakota’s “Meth. We’re on it.” is a dumb slogan? You’re not in the target market

South Dakota spent nearly half a million dollars on its anti-drug campaign slogan “Meth. We’re on it.” The ridicule spread far and wide. Ha, ha! We’re from South Dakota and we’re telling everyone we’re on meth! Those stupid hicks. Yeah, it looked pretty silly to me, too. Because I’m not on meth. No one I…