White House Charlottesville talking points: a “balanced” take on an unbalanced issue

White House Charlottesville talking points: a “balanced” take on an unbalanced issue

The Trump White House sees itself as balanced and unifying on the violence in Charlottesville. Its talking points are full of true facts and balance, but on this issue, no balanced perspective exists. These are the facts about Charlottesville: A mass of protestors who self-identify as the “alt-right” came to Charlottesville and shouted white supremacist…

The Daily Stormer, which wasn’t hacked by Anonymous, must think its readers are stupid
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The Daily Stormer, which wasn’t hacked by Anonymous, must think its readers are stupid

The Daily Stormer — the site that sponsored the white nationalist protests in Charlottesville, Virginia this weekend — has apparently been under attack. It appeared that the hacker collective Anonymous took it over, then the site owners regained control, and then GoDaddy cancelled its domain registration. The GoDaddy part is true, but as I’ll show, the…

Say something controversial, and everything in your past is fair game

Say something controversial, and everything in your past is fair game

James Damore, the guy Google just fired for his generalizations about gender, apparently said and did some sexist things in college. It disturbs me how everything in people’s pasts is now part of how we critique their current actions. And there’s a lesson in that for all of us. According to Gizmodo, Damore participated in…

Will video make text and writing obsolete?

Will video make text and writing obsolete?

Everyone consumes content online now, and video is ubiquitous. Is it time to admit that writing is obsolete? Not quite. But you must recognize the power of video and understand how it works with text to improve how-to and narrative communication. I recently had a mindset-altering conversation with a third-year medical student. She’s helping me…

The Andrea Polito wedding photography lawsuit raises thorny questions about the groundswell

The Andrea Polito wedding photography lawsuit raises thorny questions about the groundswell

A Dallas jury just awarded Andrea Polito, a wedding photographer, $1.08 million in damages against a couple who took their complaints about her to social media and local news. This lawsuit showcases how, after more than a decade of blogs and social networks, courts (and people) still have no idea how to deal with the…

What is Donald Trump really saying in his New York Times Oval Office interview?
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What is Donald Trump really saying in his New York Times Oval Office interview?

The New York Times published a far-ranging and, in places, incomprehensible Oval Office interview with Donald Trump. It’s rambling and strange. As a result, there can be no definitive interpretation — like a Rorschach test, you see in President Trump’s words whatever you want to see. Here’s one interpretation — what I think I heard….

A troll posts a delusional apology

A troll posts a delusional apology

Reddit user “HanAssholeSolo” posted a meme video of Donald Trump beating up on a figure whose face is the CNN logo. Trump reposted it on Twitter. The original poster’s apology reveals how trolls think. Analysis of the troll’s self-serving apology Buzzfeed’s Brandon Wall took a screenshot of the Reddit poster’s apology and shared it on…

To the New York Times: it’s a bad idea to screw around with The Copy Desk
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To the New York Times: it’s a bad idea to screw around with The Copy Desk

The New York Times is trying to decrease the number of editors at the paper, including cutting the copy editing desk by about half. With the world awash in fake and dubious news, this is no time to cut back on the last line of defense on quality and factual accuracy. But more to the…